The EnviroComp Institute has pioneered the production of electronic books in environmental sciences. This format allows the incorporation of features not available in printed books, such as hypertext, text search capabilities, Internet pointers, high-resolution color pictures, and animations.
Venice Shall Rise Again - Engineered Uplift of Venice through Seawater Injection
This book is authored by Profs. Gambolati and Teatini who, for decades, have carefully studied the geology and the groundwater phenomena in the region surrounding the city of Venice in Northeastern Italy. They discuss a recently proposed, daring, and innovative engineering approach that could create a substantial elevation of the ground surface of the region and, consequently, a mitigation of the periodic flooding of the city. [Read More]
Air Quality Modeling Book Series
With individual chapters written by experts in their fields, these books take an in-depth look at the fundamentals of air pollution modeling and provide environmental professionals a solid foundation for understanding modeling techniques. [Read More]
Environmental Sciences and Environmental Computing Book Series
This book series aims at presenting review papers and case studies on subjects related to environmental sciences and environmental computing. Most of the chapters deal with environmental pollution in all media (air, water, soil, groundwater, and biota), with particular emphasis on the computational aspects. [Read More]
Other Publications
Other book topics include an in-depth look at ambient air pollution in the Middle East, state-of-the-art groundwater modeling, and a peer-reviewed series of chapters aimed at forecasting air quality in the Greater Athens area in 2004. [Read More]